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Supported Unity/Pipeline Version

This asset works in 2019+, but 2021 LTS or later is recommended.

Definitions and Notes

  • GC1 - Game Creator 1 by Catsoft Works
  • MMLC - Motion-Matching Locomotion Controller (This asset)
  • MxM - Motion-Matching for Unity (Animation Uprising) asset
  • MAP - Movement Animset Pro (Kubold) asset
Philosophy for MMLC and GC1 Installation/Use

With MMLC and the GC1 plugin asset, it's important to think in terms of two major steps to do any functionality addition and testing:

1. Perform MMLC steps and confirm function on regular MMLC characters.
1. Perform any Follow-on GC1 steps and confirm function on GC1 characters.

For example, to get a new animation set imported and working with GC1, you would first follow the installation steps in the MMLC documentation here and then perform the GC1-specific installation steps at the bottom of this documentation section.

Installations steps 1 - Creating Project and Installing Dependencies

Follow the MMLC installation instructions here: MMLC Installation

Installation steps - 2 - Installing GC1 and GC1 Plugin for MMLC


These instructions are for Unity 2021 LTS. If any of these steps don't work exactly as expected in your Unity version, google likely has you covered, but please reach out on discord if you're stuck.

If you prefer a video walkthrough of these steps, that can be found here:

  1. Import Game Creator (GC1) from the Package Manager. Consult Game Creator 1 documentation and Catsoft's youtube channel for assistance with this step. Don't forget to click Install Game Creator 1.1.16 button in the popup that appears.
  2. Open Tools->MMC Configuration Wizard and go to the dependency checks tab.

Installation steps - 3

  1. Open the relevant example scene for your configuration to confirm all advertised functions work as expected before moving on to setting up custom characters and behavior.