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Game Creator 1



Please read this page and the FAQ before purchasing/using!

Out of the box, this integration supports:

  • transitioning to and from MMLC locomotion with configurable transition duration (0 for immediate, and your chosen duration in seconds, otherwise)

  • Complete support for masked and full-body GC1 gestures and IK while MMLC is enabled


Existing GC1 modules, actions, triggers, and conditions

When MMLC is disabled and GC1 is in control, all existing GC1 modules, actions, triggers, and conditions will work as expected. However, when MMLC is enabled, there are several functions that behave differently, as described in the following sections.

Finding GC1 actions, triggers, and conditions that no longer work

While every attempt has been made to test existing GC1 functionality, this asset is in Beta and it's possible some functionality and edge cases were overlooked/missed. Don't panic! Please just submit a bug report on our discord server and it will be addressed as quickly as possible.

One potential universal workaround is to just use the MMLC Control action and switching back over to GC1 for the function in question.

MMLC handles NavMesh agents differently than GC1. ActionMMLCCharacterFollow, which can be found in the Action Lookup as MMLC/Character Follow (MMLC) is provided to allow the character follow behavior regardless of whether MMLC or GC1 is currently in control of locomotion.

Teleport - Custom Action

MMLC provides a custom Teleport Action: ActionMMLCTeleport which can be found in the Action lookup as MMLC/Teleport (MMLC). Regular Teleport will not work when MMLC is enabled, but will work fine when in GC1 control mode.

Runtime Character Model changes - Not Supported

Changing Character Models at Run-time is not currently supported. Support will be added in a future update. This requires reconfiguration of MMLC and MxM and reintegration of both into GC1, which is very straightforward but will take some effort that would delay the initial release of this asset.


While every attempt has been made to support all GC1 functions out of the box, but the differences in behavior between GC1 and MMLC have made some actions, conditions, and triggers unavailable for use when MMLC is enabled. The good news is that it's very easy to get around this limitation: the workaround for any actions that don't work out of the box with MMLC, is to add a MMLC/MMLC Control to transition to game creator right before the action (with 0 duration, or whichever duration works best for you), and then resume MMLC control whenever appropriate after the behavior is complete.


Action Description
MMLC/MMLC Control This is the primary Game Creator Action for transitioning between MMLC and GC1 locomotion
MMLC/Change Animation Data Swap animation sets at runtime. All animation sets must be in the MxMAnimator AnimData list prior to runtime for this to work.
MMLC/Change Character Config Change Character Configuration at runtime
MMLC/Change Property Change whether player canRun and canJump
MMLC/Character Follow (MMLC) MMLC Character follow action when using NavMesh Input Scheme
MMLC/Crouch (MMLC) Enable/disable crouch
MMLC/Sprint (MMLC) Enable/disable sprint
MMLC/Strafe (MMLC) Enable/disable strafe
MMLC/Set Input Scheme Change current input scheme (InputSystem, InputManager, NavMesh)
MMLC/Jump (MMLC) Execute Character Jump
MMLC/Teleport (MMLC) Execute Character Teleport
MMLC/Force Walk Identical to using Change Property to set canRun, this enables/disables forced walking

Igniters (Triggers)

Trigger Description
MMLC/On MMLC Enabled or Disabled This trigger can be configured to fire on enable, disable, or both
MMLC/On MMLC Jump This trigger can be configured to fire on any jump, regular jump, or big jump


Condition Description
MMLC/MMLC Enabled This condition passes when MMLC is enabled
MMLC/MMLC Input Enabled This condition allows you to check whether input is enabled for jump, sprint, crouch, and strafe keys
MMLC/MMLC Property This condition allows you to check the state of MMLC canRun, canJump properties

Module Support


In order to use MMLC with Traversal, you must import the TraversalIntegration unitypackage located in MMCGameCreator1/Integrations/ and either add MMCGameCreator1TraversalSupport script to your player object or just check the appropriate Enable Traversal Module Support box in the Config Wizard.


In order to use MMLC with Melee, you simply must use MMLC/MMLC Control (ActionMMLCControl) to transition to Game Creator prior to Drawing a Melee Weapon, and transition back to MMLC after Sheathing a Melee Weapon. While you are in Melee Mode, you will be purely operating in the native GC1 melee behavior with no MMLC involvement.


In order to use MMLC with Shooter, you simply must use MMLC/MMLC Control (ActionMMLCControl) to transition to Game Creator prior to Drawing a Shooter Weapon, and transition back to MMLC after Holstering a Melee Weapon. While you are in Shooter Mode, you will be purely operating in the native GC1 Shooter behavior with no MMLC involvement.